.. where I cannot tell a lie.
So what is *really* going on?
It's true, I live in a village. A thriving village that is truthfully described by estate agents as 'desirable'. I have two children though only one of them currently resides here, and that's more in an effort to save on rent than anything else. Other elements of the entries have less truth in them. Yes, I am part of a poetry group, no, it doesn't meet in the village. I can't bake biscuits to save my life. The Christmas cake is my only foray into baking each year. All the people in these entries are made-up and I go to some lengths to think of names that are nothing like any names of the people I know in my effort to make this clear, though there are still a couple of folks who are convinced they know which one they 'are'.
In addition, I used to be a teacher but have now cut back to tutoring - sometimes in the school where I used to work full-time. The kids are always astonished at that. I have finally got up the nerve to start submitting my poetry to magazines and competitions, and when I'm not writing poetry or editing my Magnum Opus (with the emphasis on the 'magnum', so it needs a lot of editing) I am jotting down ideas for the next novels. I started writing the blog partly as light-relief when I was bogged down with some heavy historical fiction writing, but partly also for the benefit of a friend's son who was sent to prison, in my opinion unfairly, with the idea being that the boredom of prison life would be alleviated by reading about the minutiae of village life. That aspect of it didn't really work in the end, due to lack of internet access on his part mainly. But now it's here, and I haven't yet had the heart to move my heroine to a city! Perhaps one day...